Upcoming Events

The art installation "Basilica of the Young Caryatid" celebrates the fortitude of female youth through visual metaphors of their journey. The narrative is delivered with integrity, sincerity and passion in hopes of evoking empathy and an emboldenment.
I am so very excited to bring another aspect of this body of work to fruition. Please celebrate with me and our host Catherine Hallam at the Free Spirit Gallery, between 6 and 8pm here on Gabriola Island, British Columbia on March 8th, 2024. Please know that this exhibition/install can be viewed throughout the month of March.
G a b r i o l a Island's
27th Annual STUDIO TOUR This is my 5th year as part of this wonderful event. (studio #3 in the Studio Guide published by GAC) Please go to https://theartsongabriola.ca/ to give you further details regarding Tour Central, protocols, etc. I work in my studio almost every day, and if the light is on...I'm in. There is nothing more gratifying or exciting than to answer questions and share experiences relating to concepts we are all passionate about. |
The Visitors guide, published this year by the Chamber of Commerce, (my studio is B49), has continued to be an intrinsic supporter of the arts community as well, and again, although I do not always fly a yellow flag due to the possibility of spontaneous visitors, I do welcome visitors who plan their visits and those that find themselves outside my studio without an appointment.
If we follow basic covid protocols, we are good to go. Everyone, take care and hope to meet you one day! |
Thank you Gabriola Arts Council for finding a way during these precarious times, to bring our efforts to light. Please visit the Gabriola Arts Council website and check out the online gallery of over 40 artists from the Studio Tour with three works each. https://artsgabriola.ca/gallery/ You are welcome to visit the Gabriola Arts & Heritage Centre (GAHC), starting the weekend of June 20th and see a selection of our work in person. There are two shows. Each runs for three weekends, back to back, so make sure you see both. The gallery is open Sat & Sun, 10-2pm. Jun 20-July 26. |

Honoured to be part of Gabriola's Studio Tour 2019 |
"Please join myself and my colleagues on this spectacular three day visual arts event on Saturday Oct. 12th til Monday Oct. 14th. There are over 100 artists and over 60 studios to explore.
Allow me to share with you, what processes are involved, when our passion is expressed through our visual creations...in my case, sculpture. My studio is # 81 located at the north end of the island. Besides my finished work, I have three large pieces in progress, on view, along with their working drawings, a number of wall pieces, and an opportunity for those interested, to try their hand at chiseling. I will be demonstrating some braising on a small project I am working on. Before venturing out to the various studio locations, you may want to visit our Tour Central, located at the Village Art Space, 575 North Rd. Gabriola. This space will be exhibiting one art piece from each of the artists on the tour. A personal thank you to the Gabriola Arts Council staff (GAC), its directors, and countless volunteers that work so very hard for all the ARTS on the Island. It makes for a very healthy and creative community to live in. https://studiotour.artsgabriola.ca |